Monday, January 30, 2012

Such overload today

We went to open gym after we dropped the bigger one off at school.  This was my first time going, not so bad but there was a little girl that kept hitting Pookie, now I know my child isn't the best but when she took a toy out of a child's hand i would take it back etc.  I guess grandma had nothing better to do then sit on her phone and watch her grandaughter hit my child.   Hitting is one of Pookies sensory things.  If she is angry she hits me, nobody else.  I'm glad she doesn't hit other kids (except her sister of course) .  I just knew it was going to be a day of overloads.  She was fine at first and then it got busy, if she has no sleep or her sleep pattern changes she is just "out of it" so to speak.  She's not my happy girl , she's fussy, stomps.   We only stayed an hour and half because I had to take her out of the situation of the crowd.  

So if you have a sensory issue child can you just sense when the day is going to be bad for them?


  1. yes, I knew yesterday was going to be a bad one for A and I wanted to stay home with her so bad. It breaks my heart to leave my kids when I know their sensory issues are acting up. Really just A and the twins have sensory problems, and me, I have major sensory issues myself.

  2. I didn't know that A had sensory problems.. hugs


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