Tuesday, January 10, 2012


I took Dance from the age of 4 - 16 years old. Along time I know. I love it, it's always come natural to me. Tap is my favorite by far and jazz or hip hop .

The preschool want's do do aftercare activities next year, such as music class, Violin (which i would LOVE pookie to learn) . they also want to do dance. I told them I took it for 12 years or so and I have been out of it , but would take some classes to get caught up (i'm sure things have changed) .

They asked me today if i would be interested in teaching. I used to teach it when I was a teenager, which meant i was an assistant . You have no idea how this would be a dream job for me. I always wanted to go to college to open my own dance studio up. If my dance teacher never sold her studio and put in someone I didn't like I would have continued with it and I know my dance teacher would have kept pushing me. Anyways, I would have to take some dance classes somewhere just to learn the basics again and I would teach!! I would love this!!!

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