Thursday, January 26, 2012

Montessori and loving it

Montessori is a wonderful fit for our daughter! I think each time I go , I fall in love with it even more.  Now if they could just find their own building we would love it even more.  I feel bad they are just sharing a church room and its very small and they have to take out everything each week and then redo it.   So it's a lot of work!

My daughter has made such progress even more so, like she actually takes her dishes to the sink now after dinner without us asking, she wants to help more.  We have always encouraged in kitchen help with cooking, even if its just stirring.  A child can learn a lot in the kitchen.    She cleans up her toys after she's done playing with them, this used to be a battle with us everyday.  Now when she doesn't do it, she will go back without me even asking.

I'm not saying that Montessori is the right fit for everyone, in fact I know of three people that their kids needed more structure.  I'm just glad that it is working for us and we are pleased with it.  I'm hoping to put Pozzy in there, she seems to love it when we drop Pookie off every morning.   She will even go sit in the line if they are, it's really great.  The teachers are wonderful and so into getting to know the parents.  They really are on top of communication as they text, email etc.   I'm hoping I start teaching ballet there very soon!

I haven't blogged in a few days, i'm thinking of other blogs I can come up with to keep my fans a reading!!

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