Saturday, February 25, 2012

Enjoy the little things in life.

Sometimes we are always busy with work, kids, etc. Things get in the way.

I just wanted to say that life is to short just to always work!

I took the girls on a mini vacation this weekend by myself to bond a little better with them. Sure I spend every day with them, but taking them away for a day just helps us bond. I love the smile they got when we enjoyed the resort , with all the pools and the beach view.

I love the memories they will have , sure they are only 3 and 2 but they will have pictures and the laughs that we shared today (even if there was a lot of meltdowns from the 2 year old) it was still worth every moment!

1 comment:

  1. Hey! I just joined the Wilmington Mommies. I saw that you have a blog, as well. Thats awesome. I have been blogging for awhile, as a hobby.

    I hope I get to meet you soon!


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