Saturday, March 24, 2012

Stay at home mom and dating.

Okay when I say dating... I mean dating other SAHM's ;) .. It's a tough world, esp when you move and you have nobody. Or you don't go to work and can meet people that way. The only way besides going to church, story times or having lived in one place or know some people it's really impossible. I have turned to the internet as there are groups all over ! Thanks to technology :) , but every time i go on a "blind" date as i call it I get nervous. I love meeting people but come on you know you have to "click" with that person.

It's almost like dating? don't you agree?

If your new into a new place how do you meet people. I don't got to church so scratch that, my oldest daughter is in preschool and yes i have met people through there, but then again we haven't really "clicked". Other then that I tried a meet up group for a moms group but it didn't go well like my NJ group did.

It's a very hard time to meet moms. Do you ever feel like your going on a date with another mom? I feel like we have to click , have some same interest. It's really nerve racking if you ask me :) . Seeing as we are only 6 months new to the area, I have tried a lot and I'm just missing that void of my friends.

So tell me how do you meet other SAHM's?

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