- Start a Zumba class
- Start paddle boarding or surfing.
- Coupon more (not extreme either) just trying to save money since pookie is going to school.
- Get A mommy and me class for Pozzy.
- Take a trip to the mountains.
- Go see my parents (that's one of my top things in the spring to do )
- Do more creative things with the girls.
- Get the girls swimming lessons.
- Read more
- Blog more
Saturday, December 31, 2011
10 things i want to do in 2012
Friday, December 30, 2011
Good bye 2011
Friday, December 2, 2011
Please help..
Please help us work to find better treatments by spreading the word about a new campaign for the Hyperemesis and Education Research Foundation (HER) – Hope for HER. HER is currently engaged in active research in cooperation with UCLA and USC that will have a positive impact on the lives of women who suffer from HG. The USC/UCLA research team is close to their goal of 2000 participants for their DNA study. Currently they are in need of both research participants and monetary donations to continue this vital research.
If you or anyone you know has or had HG please direct them to www.helpher.org where you can find a plethora of information on HG and much needed support for those enduring the nightmare that is HG and its aftermath.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
Can't believe it's been almost 2 years.
Tuesday, November 15, 2011
Montessori education
Friday, November 11, 2011
Thursday, November 10, 2011
Sunday, October 30, 2011

How many parents have co slept that loved it?! ME! ME! ME! I am a mom that said I would never have a child sleep with me. I'm wrong. I love it! My pookie she is 3 and still co slept with us, at one point we tried to break it because of all the crap we were giving for doing it. I still didn't care, because I honestly think every kid is different and need different care. Our parenting skills are what we think is best for our child and co sleeping just worked so good with Pookie. I also read that whatever you can do to get sleep you do whatever you need too for a good night's sleep. This is how we had to get sleep with Pookie.
Thursday, October 27, 2011
How do moms value time.?
Monday, October 24, 2011
Thursday, October 20, 2011
Lost connections.. but there's always one or two

Have you ever had that forever friend, the friend that you grew up with or maybe met half way through childhood?! The one that was your BFF , did everything together. I had two, One moved when I was 15 broke my heart, him and I were close. Believe it or not it was craigslist I put an ad up on lost and found or missing connections... (no this is not a love story) but we were like brother and sisters , always grew up with each other, went on vacations, his mom babysat me, went to church with them. I really did write and ad because he was always on my mind. someone wrote back to me and said are you looking for such and such because I work with him. I was in shock. I did NOT think people even looked at those.. this was just when "myspace" was getting cool and everything else had to pay to get information. I know you would prob think why would a girl be looking for a guy , this has to be a love story , but i promise you it's not. I was engaged and happy as ever I just always wondered what happened to my other brother. We were just like brother and sisters. He has an amazing wife now and child, he is doing well. They have met our one daughter but not the youngest. Now we have moved. It's amazing how moving can really make your connections weaker. we were also teenagers, I think as you get older you know how important it is to keep onto good friendships.
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
I'll be back

I'm having a hard time with things, my father is ill and isn't doing too well. Things just aren't lining up like we had thought when we moved down here. I do have a lot of positive things going on and I need to focus on that and stop worrying about what I can't fix. I'm a fixer?! I like keeping people happy. I am happy to say I have found some pretty awesome friends so far down here and also finding out who my true friends "were" and are after going through these hard times. Sometimes the people that smile and make people happy all the time are hurting inside and not everything is okay.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
Halloween time.

I love Halloween, i think besides Christmas it's my favorite time of the year. I like it because of the fall feeling (except now I don't know if I will get that coldness) . I love decorating for it. I can't decorate this year (well we will do pumpkins) but can't really put things on the windows , decorate door because we are in between moves and frankly it's a pain to put it all up and then have to take it down the week of Halloween. I love carving pumpkins too (hubby hates it) , I love making pumpkin seeds, Apple cider , all the fun candy.
Saturday, October 8, 2011
falling more in love..
I think i'm falling more and more in love with Wilmington. Today we really went downtown and walked around, it is so historic. It reminds me a lot of Baltimore inner harbor and some of the little villages around the city, the brick roads, cute shops. If we didn't have the girls, I def. could see me and hubby living in down town. I love the cute restaurants, bars. I def. want to go shop around there, seems like cute little shops and things for the kids to do when older. Also it has so much charm. People are so friendly, I still have YET to get used to people smiling. I also am in a rush, have to learn how to slow it down.
Thursday, October 6, 2011
Just this.

Monday, October 3, 2011
Things I would love to do by Dec.
- Find a new house
- Find a preschool for skye
- Find an activity for me and Rozzy to do together while skye is in school.
- Swim lessons for the girls.
- Do more crafty/activity's with them a week.
- Go to the mountains to see the leaves change colors.
- Go to Baltimore to hold my best friends baby girl Sophia!
- Go visit my parents in NY
- Spend more time doing spiritual things, meditation.. etc.
- Find surfing lessons (okay this one might have to wait until spring time)
Friday, September 30, 2011

I always have loved the beach ever since I was little even growing up as a country girl, but we always went to the ocean every year. Either NJ , VA or somewhere in between. I was very lucky growing up to go to so many places.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Lost the "one" house
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
preschool and home
things I hate about apt. living.
- I miss my washer and dryer.(the apt. sized washer dryer NEVER works, the dryer takes days to dry, takes me 5 hours to do one little load)
- I miss my own bed (seeing is temp living includes everything furniture)
- I also miss my own pots, and pans, they include a lot but not everything! so annoying when trying to cook. I guess that's why they give us money to eat, but i like to save that money if at all possible.
- I miss if my kids wont sleep at night letting them cry a little. (here we share walls, I always feel like someones going to think i'm hurting my kids)
- I hate walking the dog! I forgot how convenient it is to have a yard. Now we will take neil for walks at night with us, but taking him out with two kids is a pain, always have to do it around naps, or when hubby get's home.
- I can hear everyone around me! Feel like I have voices in my head (well maybe I do..hehe)
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Finding a house.
Friday, September 23, 2011
I am feeling at "home"

At first I was feeling really mixed on moving from NJ there was a lot I wanted to move away from, but yet i felt settled there! But here, I can't explain it. I drive better (not as in a hurry) , I am finding friends, true friends I believe they will be. The girls are a real headache as they haven't seen their daddy in 2 weeks, but other then that they LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Finally Moved

We finally moved! Ah , stressful it really was. We are in Corporate housing, its "free" so its "okay". Going house hunting soon, so YAY for that! It's very different living then NJ. People are "friendly" , I know weird concept for people to say hi to you just when your out , or cashiers actually talk to you. People are NOT in a hurry here, I have to learn patients down here. I'm so used to the hustle bustle living.
So now take the ride with me as I discovery all the new places around Wilmington, NC!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
cowgirl birthday party!
1 teaspoon baking powder
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/4 teaspoon salt
1 cup cooking oats
3/4 cup m&ms - I did 1/2 cup
3/4 cup semi-sweet chocolate chips (also I did 1/2 cup)
1/2 cup brown sugar, packed - when you put it in the jar , take a spoon and pack it done!
1/2 cup white sugar
1/3 – 1/2 cup chopped pecans ( i did about 1/4 cup to 1/3 cup)
1 slightly beaten egg
1/2 cup butter (melted slightly in the microwave)
1 teaspoon vanilla
Mix wet ingredients into dry ingredients. Use the back of a large spoon to work it all together. You may even need to use your hands to get everything incorporated.
Then roll the cookie dough into 1 1/2 inch balls, place on a parchment covered baking sheet and bake for about 10 minutes in a preheated 350 degree oven. I got about 26-28 cookies out of these.I had bandanna napkins to match :) and did red and black and white! there was so many cute things I could have done. Oriental trading has amazing stuff that's where we got the cowgirl hats and napkins, didn't even realize they had plates or I would have done them as well!
I wish I had more time to do everything I wanted to do! Would love to have had pony rides! but there are a lot of party favors to do and a lot of games you can do (the kids were a little young to do games) or I would have did the sandbox and then them find gold. If you google stuff you can find a lot of stuff!
I hope you enjoyed her birthday party! she had a lot of fun and the kids loved the hats they got to take. I also heard that some families made their cookies today and they loved them!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Cape May Zoo

So we went to Cape May Zoo this weekend. It's one of the things I wanted to do before we left. Can I just tell you how much this mama loved it?! We took our daughter their for her 3rd birthday! It was amazing. It was a Sunday and Labor day weekend, so I think it was a little bit crowded but totally worth it! Did I mention its FREE?! Philly zoo get's busy even during the day during the weekday. It was only about 1 hour and 20 min away not bad for a day trip.
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Animal Kingdom Zoo bordentown, NJ

So we went to the little local zoo today. My review, isn't one of my best. I mean was it worth 10.00 adult/8.00 children 3+ , popcorn mix was 4.00 (thought could have been 1.00) . I def. found that it was overpriced. For that price I want to see more then just "monkeys" . Maybe we missed something because there was a little mud on the one side. But chickens are everywhere, we did see two rats. I heard it smells, it did NOT smell when we went (well smelled like animals ) but nothing to what they said. I mean everyone has their own experience on things.
Accumulating things
Sunday, August 28, 2011
We survived Irene
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
I'm here
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Getting the house ready
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Gymboree Deal
Moms Groups.

1.00 for 100 photos?
- Go to Snapfish
- Add EXACTLY 100 prints to your cart
- At checkout, enter promo code: WEDPRINT
- You will pay just $1.00 for 100 Prints + FREE Shipping!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Wilmington , NC here we come

I really wish I had someone to come with me and just knew the area. If anyone that is reading this blog please help me, I'm looking for preschools , indoor activities. among other things. I want a great moms group , which I will prob end up making my own if I can't find any. Anywhere you can guide me too I would appreciate it.

This is my favorite site of South Jersey!
Kid Junction

Kid junction was one of our first indoor things to go to around the area. It kinda took us used to all the stuff you can do around here. We love it here. So much for the kids to do.
Friday, August 12, 2011
Wow what a twist.
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Little sports

Little sports, our membership will expire the end of this month, but we sure did use it! It's located in Maple Shade.
Sesame place- Review.

Who doesn't love Elmo?! Well we do! So we hit Sesame place again this year. Last year was our first year there, we didn't really know what to expect. I have learned a lot since then! One thing if your local DO NOT GO ON A WEEKEND!!!! If you can avoid it , please try. We went our first year on a weekend, I will never go again. Thankfully only a 45 min ride I will ask hubby to take a vacation day and we will go! If you have triple AAA you can get discounts also alot of local places has coupons, rite aids, wawa's etc, just have to look for them. And if your local do the 2 day pass!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011
More mom blogs
Mommy and Me playdate at Moorestown Mall
Sprayground at dorbrook

About 4 weeks ago we went to Sprayground in Dorbrook. I have to say it was a drive for me. Esp, when my kids hate traveling. I went with a few of the moms from my mom's group. It took me about an hour and 20 minutes I would say to get up there.
It was a lot bigger then what I expected and for free?! That is always a good thing, us moms love free places! Lots of picnic tables inside (just get there early) for one. They have umbrella's covering them so they do go fast. Which was nice because my youngest napped in her stroller under the shade while we played. It was gated in and they have someone in the front. It's not gated in 100% so there's a pretty big entrance. We brought buckets (recommended by another mom that went already). So bring buckets (write your name on them. I also brought plastic cups that I didn't care if they got left behind. It was very clean (making people eat outside of the park has a lot to do with it also).
The one thing they do have a rule of is you can NOT EAT inside the actually spray park, so if you get a picnic table in there , you can't eat at it. They are pretty strict about the food thing. You can bring your own food, just have to eat it outside the gate. It was fine for us anyways because it gave the kids a break from the sun and water. We packed a lunch and went and sat under a tree. They have bathrooms, a park next to it. If I would have stayed longer we would have went to the park after we played in the water, but 4 hours in the water wore us out.
We also went on a Monday, it was pretty busy in the morning. Around 1 it cleared out a little. I really don't know if I would go on a weekend by myself with two kids anyways. Might be pretty busy.
Things I would bring is lots of sunscreen, a lunch, extra clothes, towels, buckets and lot's of drinking water!
I would recommend this place to anyone that either lives in the area or want's to take the drive up there. Even if my kids hate car rides they did enjoy it and it was worth going!
I heard there was another one closer to here so we will go to that one and see. It would be nice if there was one around our area!

(please note we did bring all these toys) they didn't provide any.
Fullerton Memorial Park
We just went to a new park (well they just redid it ) In Moorestown, NJ.
Fullerton Memorial Park
It was really cute! Not super big, but not small. Baby swings, a lot of picnic tables and under trees too, the picnic tables were even in the "toddler" lot which was nice. I thought there was a lot more shade then most parks that I go too, like Laurel acres, Marlton sports complex, freedom park. Had everything your kids need, baby swings, benches, and its not made out of real wood so no splinters! It was gated in but not ALL the way around , the entrance wasn't. So kids could easily sneak out if they wanted to. We will be going back again since its only 10 minutes away from home. I would say this park is for any kids 6 months - 10 years old. Also if you have little ones, I'm sure mornings are the time to go as the older kids wouldn't be there. You know how the older ones can sometimes forget to look out for the little toddlers.
The one thing this park lacks is a baby changing station and a parking lot. Maybe they aren't done upgrading it or maybe I just missed the changing station but I'm pretty sure it didn't. But it wasn't busy so you could park on the street a few feet from the park.
I only had my cell phone on me so I tried to get a picture.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
More reviews
Lot's of reviews from a Mom that keeps busy with her two little munchkins!
Sunday, August 7, 2011
Swag bucks!
I was really skeptical of swagbucks at first. A few friends started it and then I just checked it out. I was afraid it was fake. It's really not fake and its true. You can win prizes by collecting points. Now do you make millions off of it?! NO, but a $5.00 amazon gift card here and there or whatever else you want, they have different gift cards, prizes for points. You search on their tool bar and you win points. I get about 20 points a day sometimes more!
Getting a lot of points, referrals, get lots of referrals, they give you up to 1000 of their search bucks you get their bucks too up to 1000 anyways. I got a lot just by that way, they also have blogs that you can read and they give you hints to find swagbucks , they might only be 5 or 10 bucks but it all adds up! I have made over 90.00 of amazon gift cards. It adds up around Christmas time, that's what I save mine up for or birthdays. I have been slacking but going to get back into it daily and do it, I find you get about 3 searches a day where you win (and thats a good day) for your birthday you get 50 swag bucks. Also join their facebook page they give away 100 swag bucks sometimes for comments etc!
There are also daily deals you can win bucks for , like if you sign up for netflix etc you can get so many bucks. Also coupons, if you print and use them you can get swag bucks for those ( i haven't done this I need to start) . Also if you shop from different sites you can get swag bucks. There are TONS of ways to getting racked up on swagbucks. Surveys etc. Swagbucks tv you can watch and sometimes you get points from there. Like I said it depends on how serious you take it but who doesn't like free gift? Esp. gift cards. Please note it takes about 14 days for you to get the code for the amazon. Since I have only gotten amazon gift cards I can only review about those.
Some things you can earn , amazon card, target gift card, starbucks and the list goes on ! If you download the tool bar and its antivirus free you can earn better that way! Good luck and happy swag bucking!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Jelly Bean Jungle

Jelly Bean Jungle is one of our local spots that we hang out at on a nice hot day or rainy day.