This is my favorite site of South Jersey!
As you all know, we moved here about 2 1/2 years ago. For the first year I was out of commission due to pregnancy and then getting adjusted to raising two kids under 2. I knew a few places around here but not much. One night I started to google things to do around Marlton. I happen to stumble on MOM2MOMNJ. I started to look at her page, she had a lot to do around here, had a calendar which I love!!! Most of it started off with free things in the area, and as she has gotten more fans the calendar grows with things to do everyday of the week! It's how I found out most of the indoor places, outdoor places that we go too. I would have never known about 90% of the places or things around here if it wasn't for her website.
She has a facebook page, which I became a fan right away. Back then there was only 300 people I remember her trying to get to 500 fans, now I can't believe she's almost up to 3000 fans! I have watched her business grow and grow. The page started to just grow the moms started to ask questions, It's where I found the preschool I was going to send my daughter to. It has helped me out with places for birthday parties. Moms are asking each other and sharing such good deals each days. It helps a lot of people find doctors, give feedback on places they went to or things they did. Every mom is to help one another!
I remember her first playdate that she ever held, it was great! It was a bigger crowd then she ever realized. She had a moms night out and raised over 3,000 for the Susan B Komen. How amazing is this mom?! She took her "idea" and started a business. I have basically watched her from the start and now I see where she's going . Yes, shes a mom of a busy 2 1/2 year old. I don't know how she has time for it all plus she has time for her friends and family! She really is an amazing woman. I have gotten the pleasure to know this mom over the year and am proud to call her my friend! I'm def. going to miss hanging out with her and watching her son grow but I will have facebook to watch her business grow and watch her get to 3000 fans! If your new to the area, or a new mom in south NJ please like her page!! Also if you ever need your business promoted , she's your woman!! She will get you business I promise.
I never realized how handy her page came into until now that I am starting to move. I wish there was something like her page so I could find a new preschool for my daughter, or a pediatrician. Instead I have to google and just go by that, instead of another moms point of view.
I wish you nothing but the best Sandy and I know you will be too 4000 fans before you know it! I can't wait watch you grow over the years and see where it goes too! (Thanks to facebook ! )
I will miss my favorite Local webpage ever!
http://www.facebook.com/Mom2MomNJ - Go join her facebook page!!
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