Have you ever had that forever friend, the friend that you grew up with or maybe met half way through childhood?! The one that was your BFF , did everything together. I had two, One moved when I was 15 broke my heart, him and I were close. Believe it or not it was craigslist I put an ad up on lost and found or missing connections... (no this is not a love story) but we were like brother and sisters , always grew up with each other, went on vacations, his mom babysat me, went to church with them. I really did write and ad because he was always on my mind. someone wrote back to me and said are you looking for such and such because I work with him. I was in shock. I did NOT think people even looked at those.. this was just when "myspace" was getting cool and everything else had to pay to get information. I know you would prob think why would a girl be looking for a guy , this has to be a love story , but i promise you it's not. I was engaged and happy as ever I just always wondered what happened to my other brother. We were just like brother and sisters. He has an amazing wife now and child, he is doing well. They have met our one daughter but not the youngest. Now we have moved. It's amazing how moving can really make your connections weaker. we were also teenagers, I think as you get older you know how important it is to keep onto good friendships.
My second was A.. she was my first BFF!! we did EVERYTHING together, we played teachers, went to our first concerts together. We spent all day at school and then on the phone with each other. My day was never complete if I didn't get to see A. In highschool we lost part , her life became a story and so did mine ( I will not say what happened in a public places) but we lost ways. At first we still talked but as time went on more "important' people became before me and she lost touch. I then herd from her a few years after i graduated highschool. She had a daughter, but after that i didn't hear back. I have been trying to search and search for her. She will always be my first true BFF!! Late night's like tonight where i can't sleep i would just google for her. facebook, her sister, family members, nothing.. everything i had to pay.. I did get a phone number but it was always busy.
About 2 months ago she called my parents. my parents phone number hasn't changed in 30 years so she had it memorized. My mom gave it to me and i found my first best friend! we talked for about 2 hours like we didn't even miss 10 years!! yes 10 years we went without talking. Both have changed over the years. She might not approve of things that have happened in my life , or not understand and I don't expect her too. But she will always be my BFF even if she doesn't know it. Nobody can ever take that spot from her. I feel like friends come and go for a reason and the one's that you find or come back to you (hold on to them forever) .
I always wished that i never lost touched with my best friends. I mean it all worked out in the end as I have some pretty amazing people in my life because i was searching for friends. and I did find some good ones. They are just like my family! But I just wanted A to know she's my girl. When my girls get to have best friends I'm going to tell them to hold on tight to your friendship!!
We never forget lost connections. Some do come and go in our life for a reason. That reason we may not always know. And when we loose connection with them it may feel like the worst, but really its about timing. Someone else is waiting for them.
ReplyDeletewaiting for that friend you could no longer be. Its pretty much like the cycle of life. But your right, one or two will just never ever leave your heart or soul. And some friends that are long and gone and no longer cross your mind, you could be that one friend to them that will always be the one. I learned to treat my best friend now like in a second she could be gone. I never take anything for granted or leave anything unsaid and I tell her everyday I love her.. Sometimes, it just all works out in the end. :)