At first I was feeling really mixed on moving from NJ there was a lot I wanted to move away from, but yet i felt settled there! But here, I can't explain it. I drive better (not as in a hurry) , I am finding friends, true friends I believe they will be. The girls are a real headache as they haven't seen their daddy in 2 weeks, but other then that they LOVE LOVE LOVE the beach.
Today I have started my moms group , and we had our first playgroup, 2 other moms showed up that RSVPed the people that acutally RSVPed really did come!! Shock to me, because most back out. Pookie had fun making a new friend about her age, they played and had fun, even asked if they could hang out after ( i thought it was cute) Pookie is usually shy , so it was nice that she was talking about her friend C afterwards.
Then I joined an "online forums" moms group that was really nice, they had Moms night out (MNO) I think they had 24 moms come! Was a little overwhelming but very fun, drinks, shots , it was fun! The moms were so friendly, you could def. tell who was "clicky" but that is to be expected in a big online group but you would think they would just be clicky and not be as friendly but they made me feel really welcome! Plus I love these southerns accents :) so cute!
I just really feel at home here. I really wanted to move back to Baltimore in a few years, but now I am thinking No. I think this is where my kids will grow up. I really have fallen in love with it in just a week, that has NEVER happened (besides Baltimore) in all the 15 moves I've done.
I really think this was a great move, despite hubby being away for 2 weeks , the one week I had to pack all alone with the kids and then moving here with my friend M, to help as he left for NJ the next day. I even feel really comfortable driving here, which is odd for me. I don't like changes, I hate changes in fact and NJ driving well that is just F'ed up ..lol No left turns! One thing I will miss is I never had to pump my gas (which I hated at first, but it grew on me) .
Thank you Wilmington, for being so welcoming! Oh and that's another thing, people are Friendly here ... I'm just not used to this whole we are friendly to people we don't know.
I'm hoping you are enjoying my updates on how things are going!
On a side note I really do miss the great friends I made up there, today Pookie was asking for her friend Landyn and lauren :( Also asked if mommy was seeing her friend Sandy..lol was cute!
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