Sunday, October 30, 2011


How many parents have co slept that loved it?! ME! ME! ME! I am a mom that said I would never have a child sleep with me. I'm wrong. I love it! My pookie she is 3 and still co slept with us, at one point we tried to break it because of all the crap we were giving for doing it. I still didn't care, because I honestly think every kid is different and need different care. Our parenting skills are what we think is best for our child and co sleeping just worked so good with Pookie. I also read that whatever you can do to get sleep you do whatever you need too for a good night's sleep. This is how we had to get sleep with Pookie.

Well we just moved into a house, she loves sleeping in her bed.. Her own decision not ours! We didn't force her too and i know she was ready but a part of me is feeling sad. Pozzy is not my cuddle bug (well she is starting to be a little more) she is just not a co sleeper and frankly she is a restless sleeper I would not like to sleep with her.

Pookie has been doing at least 6 hours in her bed by herself. She does come in our bed around 5 am which I don't mind because she snuggles until at least 9 am. It's just hard because a part of me is missing her next to me, snuggling with me. Not missing sleeping on the edge.

Hubby is happy to have a bed with me alone again and I know it's important for a relationship but we have always had a strong relationship. And he is the one that started co sleeping back up when I had HG (which i will write another blog on it) .

My whole point is , if co sleeping is what works for you, don't let other's tell you how to parent. Kids grow up way to fast, soon you will be bitching about them not wanting to hug you in public, not being seen with you.

So I cherish ever hug, snuggle and kiss I get now!!!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

How do moms value time.?

How do you Value your time?

I'm in a moms group .. I run a moms group. I have two simple rules. you must come to 1 meet up a month (even if it's a moms night out) . Also if you RSVP YES and do NO show , that is just plan rude. I know we are all moms, I know our kids get sick. I know we are exhausted at the end of the day. There are plently of days where I just don't want to get out of my PJ's but I do it for my kids. And also do it for my sanity.

Would you stand up your friend after she had babysitting in place... her night all rearranged. So your on your way to the movies.. and your friend calls and just say.. you know what I'm not coming 10 mintues before the movie starts.. because i'm not feeling it , i had a bad day. Now I get it we all have bad days. We all use our kids an excuse to get out of things and there have been studies about it. I guess i'm a planner and I want to know what's going on .

I don't want to stress anyone out.. I have two simple rules.. 1 . please RSVP to things you want to do or know you can do for sure! 2. At least come up to one of the events.. we have moms nights out , morning, afternoon playdates.. meet and greet for the hubby's. I just value my time like my mom taught me. Now i don't want you to eat breath my club. but treat it like a Friendship.

You would NEVER call your friend or just "no" show if you were meeting a friend. And then they call you , oh i forgot to write it down .. or i was just too lazy.

Also do you know how much goes into a playdate at the house. Esp when I have snacks.. crafts.. trying to make it fun for the kids and parents as well. You have to clean it, to make sure.

How do you feel about people just dropping out left and right with lame excuses (and i'm not judging you on these ) i just need to know what's going on so i can help you feel a little more included. like i said a SAHM is very hard.. you could have two kids that aren't on the same schedules. You might work full or part time. so please let me your time you can. i'm trying to make this STRESSFREE . I also want active member to just be freinds with. Me and my family know NOBOdy around here, so we are trying to make good friendship and i want those friends to meet people ..

I also want to make people feel like you can come and go as you please if it's at a park or something that isn't going to require Reservations or a playdate that need volunteers to bring stuff I don't care if you come or not .. but for those types of playdates i except you to be there. You made a commitment so you should stick to it.. and believe me I know.. sometimes my kids sleep into 10:30-11. But I will rearrange my night and day for it , if it's only doing a few times a month.

I just want to feel I take this like it's a business.. if you make an apt. with me and do a No show.. my business could get hurt buy that. It also inconceivable other people's time.

What i'm getting at , is how much is your time worth? Do you not care if people just cancel last minute because they don't feel coming. Now this was my problem in NJ everyone said I have to be more harsh and now that i am I am getting nasty emails .

I know i can't keep everyone happy it's bound to happen but boy .. i have 19 people and met 5 of them.. not that much.. I want to get them to come to things and be active. .

but in my first question.. when RSVPing do you hold to it.. or un RSVP (at the last minut) with a lame excuse and use your excuse as your kids) And i'm saying RSVPing to a dinner or bday party's , party's etc. because planning things like that take a lot of time planning. And if you have never done it before it is a lot of work! So just think about that the next time your going to back out last minute.

Monday, October 24, 2011


Just let my dad have some peace and good things happen this week. He is my hero and it's hard to see him down . I can't even be there to hold his hand right now. but he knows he is in my heart!

I really am giving all my friends props for praying, voodooing, meditation and whatever else you do and have been doing to help my father they have never met.

I just want him to get out of the hospital this time and wants us to come up and visit!

I love you daddy!

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Lost connections.. but there's always one or two

Have you ever had that forever friend, the friend that you grew up with or maybe met half way through childhood?! The one that was your BFF , did everything together. I had two, One moved when I was 15 broke my heart, him and I were close. Believe it or not it was craigslist I put an ad up on lost and found or missing connections... (no this is not a love story) but we were like brother and sisters , always grew up with each other, went on vacations, his mom babysat me, went to church with them. I really did write and ad because he was always on my mind. someone wrote back to me and said are you looking for such and such because I work with him. I was in shock. I did NOT think people even looked at those.. this was just when "myspace" was getting cool and everything else had to pay to get information. I know you would prob think why would a girl be looking for a guy , this has to be a love story , but i promise you it's not. I was engaged and happy as ever I just always wondered what happened to my other brother. We were just like brother and sisters. He has an amazing wife now and child, he is doing well. They have met our one daughter but not the youngest. Now we have moved. It's amazing how moving can really make your connections weaker. we were also teenagers, I think as you get older you know how important it is to keep onto good friendships.

My second was A.. she was my first BFF!! we did EVERYTHING together, we played teachers, went to our first concerts together. We spent all day at school and then on the phone with each other. My day was never complete if I didn't get to see A. In highschool we lost part , her life became a story and so did mine ( I will not say what happened in a public places) but we lost ways. At first we still talked but as time went on more "important' people became before me and she lost touch. I then herd from her a few years after i graduated highschool. She had a daughter, but after that i didn't hear back. I have been trying to search and search for her. She will always be my first true BFF!! Late night's like tonight where i can't sleep i would just google for her. facebook, her sister, family members, nothing.. everything i had to pay.. I did get a phone number but it was always busy.

About 2 months ago she called my parents. my parents phone number hasn't changed in 30 years so she had it memorized. My mom gave it to me and i found my first best friend! we talked for about 2 hours like we didn't even miss 10 years!! yes 10 years we went without talking. Both have changed over the years. She might not approve of things that have happened in my life , or not understand and I don't expect her too. But she will always be my BFF even if she doesn't know it. Nobody can ever take that spot from her. I feel like friends come and go for a reason and the one's that you find or come back to you (hold on to them forever) .

I always wished that i never lost touched with my best friends. I mean it all worked out in the end as I have some pretty amazing people in my life because i was searching for friends. and I did find some good ones. They are just like my family! But I just wanted A to know she's my girl. When my girls get to have best friends I'm going to tell them to hold on tight to your friendship!!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

I'll be back

I'm having a hard time with things, my father is ill and isn't doing too well. Things just aren't lining up like we had thought when we moved down here. I do have a lot of positive things going on and I need to focus on that and stop worrying about what I can't fix. I'm a fixer?! I like keeping people happy. I am happy to say I have found some pretty awesome friends so far down here and also finding out who my true friends "were" and are after going through these hard times. Sometimes the people that smile and make people happy all the time are hurting inside and not everything is okay.

That being said, please give positive thoughts for my father , pray whatever you do. I have a few post i would love to get too when I find time mentally to start blogging. I love blogging and it does help me out a lot but at night my mind is racing and my blog would make no sense .

Thank you those who have been there the past few weeks to listen to me.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Halloween time.

I love Halloween, i think besides Christmas it's my favorite time of the year. I like it because of the fall feeling (except now I don't know if I will get that coldness) . I love decorating for it. I can't decorate this year (well we will do pumpkins) but can't really put things on the windows , decorate door because we are in between moves and frankly it's a pain to put it all up and then have to take it down the week of Halloween. I love carving pumpkins too (hubby hates it) , I love making pumpkin seeds, Apple cider , all the fun candy.

I love seeing all the neat costumes the kids dress up , and I can't wait until the kids can make their own decision on what they want to be. Well pookie is getting old enough but still young she keeps changing her mind 100 times. First she want's to be a horse, then a zebra, then a princess.. wait can I combine these things ;) And since none of the stores really have those around (besides the princess) so we are looking online. I better get ordering now so it makes it in time.

Pozzy well she is just too young yet to decide so she's being a cow (her favorite animal) . I can't wait until I see them all dressed up and ready to trick or treat. I think we will only do 5-10 houses, they are really too little for all that candy.

I hope everyone has a fun Halloween!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

falling more in love..

I think i'm falling more and more in love with Wilmington. Today we really went downtown and walked around, it is so historic. It reminds me a lot of Baltimore inner harbor and some of the little villages around the city, the brick roads, cute shops. If we didn't have the girls, I def. could see me and hubby living in down town. I love the cute restaurants, bars. I def. want to go shop around there, seems like cute little shops and things for the kids to do when older. Also it has so much charm. People are so friendly, I still have YET to get used to people smiling. I also am in a rush, have to learn how to slow it down.

I really didn't think it was so easy to fall in love with it down here, but now I can see way.

I'm so excited to start exploring now that we found a house ((YAY for that) a big weight was let off our shoulders for being accepted. It maybe wasn't the perfect location for now but I think the area is going to boom and be a great choice and it's in a great neighborhood. Now we can relax and actually enjoy the town, I feel like our weekends will be very busy!

I'm still missing a lot of things up north like picking apples and pumpkins in the fall air, and I really miss my friends a lot . But i'm happy to report i'm doing pretty good in my moms group it's very small but I love it. The moms seem so nice.
I'm also a member of very informational and making friends is so easy since it's so big. Everyone really is so welcoming and friendly , I can see us making a life here.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Just this.

Stressed out by the house in NJ and rentals here, I'm too busy worried about the "what if's". I then take time to reflex on this quote.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Things I would love to do by Dec.

There are a lot of things I want to do by End of December, let's see how many I can do :) It's a challenge! ( I'm only doing 10 things for now :)
  1. Find a new house
  2. Find a preschool for skye
  3. Find an activity for me and Rozzy to do together while skye is in school.
  4. Swim lessons for the girls.
  5. Do more crafty/activity's with them a week.
  6. Go to the mountains to see the leaves change colors.
  7. Go to Baltimore to hold my best friends baby girl Sophia!
  8. Go visit my parents in NY
  9. Spend more time doing spiritual things, meditation.. etc.
  10. Find surfing lessons (okay this one might have to wait until spring time)
got 1 thing done since this blog all the reds are the stuff i did!

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