How do you Value your time?
I'm in a moms group .. I run a moms group. I have two simple rules. you must come to 1 meet up a month (even if it's a moms night out) . Also if you RSVP YES and do NO show , that is just plan rude. I know we are all moms, I know our kids get sick. I know we are exhausted at the end of the day. There are plently of days where I just don't want to get out of my PJ's but I do it for my kids. And also do it for my sanity.
Would you stand up your friend after she had babysitting in place... her night all rearranged. So your on your way to the movies.. and your friend calls and just say.. you know what I'm not coming 10 mintues before the movie starts.. because i'm not feeling it , i had a bad day. Now I get it we all have bad days. We all use our kids an excuse to get out of things and there have been studies about it. I guess i'm a planner and I want to know what's going on .
I don't want to stress anyone out.. I have two simple rules.. 1 . please RSVP to things you want to do or know you can do for sure! 2. At least come up to one of the events.. we have moms nights out , morning, afternoon playdates.. meet and greet for the hubby's. I just value my time like my mom taught me. Now i don't want you to eat breath my club. but treat it like a Friendship.
You would NEVER call your friend or just "no" show if you were meeting a friend. And then they call you , oh i forgot to write it down .. or i was just too lazy.
Also do you know how much goes into a playdate at the house. Esp when I have snacks.. crafts.. trying to make it fun for the kids and parents as well. You have to clean it, to make sure.
How do you feel about people just dropping out left and right with lame excuses (and i'm not judging you on these ) i just need to know what's going on so i can help you feel a little more included. like i said a SAHM is very hard.. you could have two kids that aren't on the same schedules. You might work full or part time. so please let me your time you can. i'm trying to make this STRESSFREE . I also want active member to just be freinds with. Me and my family know NOBOdy around here, so we are trying to make good friendship and i want those friends to meet people ..
I also want to make people feel like you can come and go as you please if it's at a park or something that isn't going to require Reservations or a playdate that need volunteers to bring stuff I don't care if you come or not .. but for those types of playdates i except you to be there. You made a commitment so you should stick to it.. and believe me I know.. sometimes my kids sleep into 10:30-11. But I will rearrange my night and day for it , if it's only doing a few times a month.
I just want to feel I take this like it's a business.. if you make an apt. with me and do a No show.. my business could get hurt buy that. It also inconceivable other people's time.
What i'm getting at , is how much is your time worth? Do you not care if people just cancel last minute because they don't feel coming. Now this was my problem in NJ everyone said I have to be more harsh and now that i am I am getting nasty emails .
I know i can't keep everyone happy it's bound to happen but boy .. i have 19 people and met 5 of them.. not that much.. I want to get them to come to things and be active. .
but in my first question.. when RSVPing do you hold to it.. or un RSVP (at the last minut) with a lame excuse and use your excuse as your kids) And i'm saying RSVPing to a dinner or bday party's , party's etc. because planning things like that take a lot of time planning. And if you have never done it before it is a lot of work! So just think about that the next time your going to back out last minute.