Wednesday, February 29, 2012
new look
I will be having a new look to my page soon :) stay tuned.... Monday/tuesday it will have a new look :)
karma will come...
The other night our car got broken into . well i left my car unlocked, I don't know why. I'm really careful since I know a few people that got their car broken in and their GPS out of it.
I had my purse under the seat. My daughter on the other hand , had a little gingerbread purse (full of 1 dollar bills) 20 of them to be exact. Someone came in stole those and stole 400 worth of gift cards I keep in a plastic baggy to Toys r us for our "rainy day fun day" they have collected through the year. I was going to put it towards a swing set.
So whoever did it, stole from a 3 and 2 year old. That is very nice of them! I rather them take from me , not my kids. I didn't report it because I thought they just took 20.00 and that was it, I can deal with that, but when i came to think about it, I looked on my shelf in my car and the plastic baggy was gone :( . Now 2 days have past , we did tell our HOA. Just pathetic .. like stealing candy from a baby!!!
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
A day in my life on school days.

7:00 alarm goes off
7:05 - Still laying in bed (usually cuddled next to pookie)
7:10- out of bed, grab my pepsi start making lunch
7:15- Get pookie up and make her get dressed (this is like a 20 minute progess)
7:30- Wake up Pozzy (if she is still sleeping my husband will come home to take pookie)
7:30-8 Get shoes, jackets, get Pozzy ready (diaper changed, most time she comes in Pj's)
8:05 (no later) go to drop her off.
Get home by 8:40
Depends how Pozzy's sensory issues are doing. If she's tired, we tend to stay at home and do homeschooling some things. Like make finger paints, play outside a lot, go feed fishes she loves that. I'll sit outside while she plays and I check my morning emails , moms groups, FB, other sites, blogs, websites.
11:30-12:30 we watch tv to wind down this really helps her if she's overstimulated , I also make lunch .
12:30 she has lunch
12:45 nap time
12:50-1:15 i check my emails , FB , Etc.
1:15-2:45 I take a nap (its great ) the days I don't i clean up the dishes.
3:00 I go pick up pookie she gets picked up at 3:30.
3:30-5 they play outside if its nice, I do the dishes, clean bottles, cups. Plan dinner. Lately the hubby has been doing dinners but i sure do miss cooking. But I will prep it and get the kitchen nice and clean :)
6:30 we eat dinner (always eat as a family ) most times unless i'm doing a moms night in that starts early we always eat as a family. When hubby isn't here, we do the same sometimes we might have picnics in the living room. Or if i'm away he will do the same. We find it important.
7:00-8:30 we play with the kids, they either get 2 TV shows until 8 and then we have family story time on our blanket. it's so much fun and I love the tradition that is starting.
8:30-9 the girls get ready to go to bed, someday's it changes as if they are ready for bed at 8 or if they didn't have a nap or longer nap . 9:30 is our max. the girls are allowed up till 9:30-10 on weekends because they sleep in better .. Win win for mama and dada.
9 its mama's time, shows, and computer time until about 12:30. Then its off . I'm glad she doesn't have school tomorrow ;) i can deal with sleeping in until 8:30 :)
Have you ever really timeline your day out ? I always feel like I got nothing accomplished in fact I just now noticed how much i did when I did this post. I still haven't even mentioned I take the dog out, change about 10 diapers. I have a busy day afterall . I wonder why my mind doesn't shut off, I'm still trying to think of what needs to be done tomorrow :)
Great winter
It has been a beautiful winter!! I think I can only tell you a number of times it was too "chilly" to really spend the day outside. Today we spent the morning afternoon playing outside.
I forget that living down south is different.. I am sure i wont be saying this when summer comes :) but then again it will be lots of beach days for us :)
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Enjoy the little things in life.
Sometimes we are always busy with work, kids, etc. Things get in the way.
I just wanted to say that life is to short just to always work!
I took the girls on a mini vacation this weekend by myself to bond a little better with them. Sure I spend every day with them, but taking them away for a day just helps us bond. I love the smile they got when we enjoyed the resort , with all the pools and the beach view.
I love the memories they will have , sure they are only 3 and 2 but they will have pictures and the laughs that we shared today (even if there was a lot of meltdowns from the 2 year old) it was still worth every moment!
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Snacks for preschool.
So we have to do "healthy" snacks at Pookies school. I have looked on pinterest and i found a few ideas but most take time to make and prepare for them so I thought of a snack.
Trail Mix is as follows:
Chex mix
Dried Fruit (we did dried banana's and pineapple)
What we are doing is we gave them 6 containers to dump it in, spoons in each container.
Each kid get's two scoops of the cereal and then one scoop of the craisins, raisins and dried fruit.
Since everything has to be packaged and store bought, we thought this would teach the kids how to prepare the snacks and make their own :) We hope her class enjoys pookies snack, she also picked out all the stuff she wanted in it. I'll have them take some pictures of it when they do it.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
To homeschool or not too ?
Me and my husband have been discussing homeschooling for many reasons. I love the concept of homeschooling, you can go the rate that my kid wants to, we can travel when we want too. My kids don't have to be embarrassed to ask questions if they are getting behind (like I was) . We also move a lot due to hubby's job so we would have more options .
I have googled and done my researched my option on homeschooling. I read an interesting article the other day.
Me and my husband have been discussing homeschooling for many reasons. I love the concept of homeschooling, you can go the rate that my kid wants to, we can travel when we want too. My kids don't have to be embarrassed to ask questions if they are getting behind (like I was) . We also move a lot due to hubby's job so we would have more options .
I also feel like a lot of people bash parent's that home school their children. We will not be homeschooling because we have schools around here that we really like , also my oldest daughter's Montessori school goes for another couple of years. They are even thinking about making it past kindergarten which would be an amazing thing since we love the Montessori teaching and it fits for our oldest. Will it fit for our youngest, we wont know until she turns 3 years old so we have some time, in the mean time I do teach and have always practice Montessori in our house.
I also feel like homeschooling does not make your kids a weird outcast for society. People get this impression that kids home-schooled are introverted, socially awkward, become some serial killer or something. Kids really if you think about it don't get as much social interaction if you think about it. You have homeroom or go straight to class. Can't talk during class unless your working on a group project .. wait you might get to socialize 5 minutes before class starts if your not running from one class to another down at the other end of the building. You have your 45 minutes of lunch that you can hang out in. So we have almost an hour of socializing. Then you have gym class , and you might have a few other classes were you can socialize. But if you think about it 2 hours of day maybe 3 isn't that much. So what you "sit" in class with other kids is that really socializing? Homeschooling has a lot of groups in your area, also you can travel to meet up with other homeschooling groups. You can put your kids in sports just like any other kid, you can put them in church groups, you can sign up for other homeschooling and make playdates. There are so many more options plus you can do stuff doing the week days, etc. Plus if you think about it, there's always that "lonely" kid that sit's by themselves at public school that nobody talks to or wants to talk to. Maybe he/she would do better at homeschooling.
I really feel that each kid is different , some might do great at homeschooling, some might do better in a private school, some might do better in public. I have had friend's kids that have begged their moms to home-school. In fact I would have loved to have been homeschooled. I hated the "clique" in my school. I came from a very small small town , everyone knew everyone, it was so cliquish. I even wanted my mom to switch me out of schools. I think I would have done better but I had two parents that worked. My mom had to work for benefits , my dad owned his own business. I will never resent them from being a public school child. I just wish I could have maybe had the option.
Maybe someday I will home school my girls as I would love to, if I had the patients too! I think I need to learn that, plus both of my girls learn very differently .
I am 100% supportive of parents that want to home school their child. More power to them! If your keeping your kids active and they are learning things and being successful in it then it's wonderful!
Just do your part to look into public , private and homeschooling options. I think as a parent you make the best decision you can for your kids. We also know that in this economy that 2 people mostly have to work so they can't. This blog isn't meant for anyone to feel bad about not homeschooling. I just wanted to make a point that there is more to homeschooling then just a kid sitting in the house all day long not getting interaction. If a parent is very serious about homeschooling they will have their kids socializing , plus I know of a few families that get together daily and people take turns teaching different things.
Of course there are pro's and con's to everything! I just wanted to send some support to all my friends that home school , I feel that most of my friends get bashed at homeschooling their kids. You as a parent you know what is right for your child and we all do what we think is the best!
I also wanted to add that we shouldn't judge a parent by their decision!
Monday, February 20, 2012
Pampered chef.
I love cooking and baking, their products are wonderful and so high quality. I can't get enough of them.
I'm having a cooking show.
Their stone ware is just wonderful, we like to do pizza's on it!!!
If you would like to order from me please do so :) The closing would be this Friday.
Sunday, February 12, 2012
What was our weekend like?
our weekend was pretty much normal, except that doesn't always happen. A dr. apt with a sensory issued child went into 2 hours . She did really good but ugh it was a handful to tell them what i was there for when she was having meltdowns. Then i came home and had my other daughters valentines party/winter celebration . They got to serve us snacks.. show us crafts, play with cool whip snow. and most important sing love songs :) made my heart melt.
After that I had a Moms Night in but it got canceled but then they did a MNO which i was fine with because they started later. So in the meantime I got to have my family dinner. I think that is so important.
We had a best friend of mine from baltimore only an hour away from me so we did downtown and went and had a double date , which was so nice!!! i wish i had the babysitter a little bit longer but we had a great time. Today was family make cupcakes from scratch and decorate them. They came out so cute.. when i can get the pictures I will add them. My laptop is broken so i'm trying to find the best deal. they came out really cute! The kids enjoyed decorating them. was a fun family thing to do .
Pookie helped measure and pour everything in. Pozzy helped decorate and sit on the counter and watch.
Today was a great day, i love days that are like this. They don't happen much but the memories I hope my kids will hold onto.
A few of my blogs this week will be about more sensory issues things we are doing to helping pozzy. one was making homemade paints! Was fun I'll blog about that later.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Sensory and full moon
Since Pozzy has been acting up with her meltdowns upon meltdowns this week. I've been keeping a journal of things that it could be. I took her into the doctors cause I thought she had another ear infections that's usually her key to having one since she had a nasty cold. Her ears were perfectly fine. Last month she did the same thing, around the full moon.
Could your sensory issue child react or behave a different way to the moon phases? I'm trying to figure out where my little happy girl went too , and it only happens for about a week. They said she might have a moular or two coming in . Which could be she did turn two and she is a horrible teether.
I'm still sticking to my theory of the moon phase has a little to do with it. What do you think?
Monday, February 6, 2012
GIve away!
I can give away either a melissa and doug toy my choice (will be about a 10.00 value)
Or I can give away $5.00 Amazon Gift card.
Rules are simple you must share one article with someone get them to follow. Then come and comment and have to say who sent them. I will pick a winner at the end of this week . Enjoy and have fun. If you get more friends to follow then the better chances you get to win . I will be making a spreadsheet .. then pick from :)
So please let's spread around the internet !!! Remember
1. they have to follow me (if you already do just leave me a comment)
2. They have to comment and tell them who sent them
ENJOY and have fun I will pick a winner either Friday or Saturday will be a surprise!
Simple as that.. the more people you get the more chances you get!
Sunday, February 5, 2012
Are you addicted to this site like I am?
I have found some great things to do at Skye's school to mention. Like the garden tubs, and stuff. I also have found a lot of sensory tubs and things to do.
Have I mentioned food? the food on their is unbelievable (even some i couldn't do) but it looks so delicious.
Home decor. I LOVE decorating a home and since we rent it really limits what we can do. So it gives me good ideas.
I love searching and just seeing what i can find.. photography idea's , vacation spots.
I do go a few days without going on and then get sucked in for an hour or so!!! It's just so much fun, i have people following me now , its just really cool.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Pookie high in the sky
Pookie learned how to swing all by herself. She has been working on this task at her Montessori school for 3 weeks . Today they sent me a picture of her high up in the air! 3 years old and pumping her legs getting up high! I'm amazed at how much more things she does.
She get's her self dressed (well was before school started, this was one thing i was teaching her) , puts her socks, shoes on all by herself, can button up her jacket.
She tries to pour EVERYTHING that is in a pitchers.
I'm really proud at how she has taken to the school and all the changes , this week she was super sick but went back today. She missed her friends, tomorrow she will be with them most of the day for a birthday girl pookies best friend "e" .
Lot's of blogs today from me!
Disciplinary for sensory issued child
I'm having issues here.
Pozzy is a happy happy child. like i have stated in the past that its rare anyone would see her "melt downs" but when she has them she lashes out.. Hits only us (sister, me, dad) , now we have tried to spank (not hard) or a swat on the hand , she just hits back. Sometimes when she's just having a bad over sensory day she lashes out at us (esp her sister) and grabs her hair , we just pull her away and get her away from the situation. It seems to work sometimes but then she goes crazy. She has this super melt down . We try time out she wont sit (why would she , she doesn't sit for more then 3 minutes) she will kick , bite, whatever she can to get out of time out. I'm thinking about putting the pack n play up or finding a little gated area she can just be in with nothing in it.
Does anyone have any books they could recommend? Any suggestions? I'm really running out of options. I have been pretty good with all the stuff that comes with the sensory but her lashing out and meltdowns i'm not prepared for.
Pozzy is a happy happy child. like i have stated in the past that its rare anyone would see her "melt downs" but when she has them she lashes out.. Hits only us (sister, me, dad) , now we have tried to spank (not hard) or a swat on the hand , she just hits back. Sometimes when she's just having a bad over sensory day she lashes out at us (esp her sister) and grabs her hair , we just pull her away and get her away from the situation. It seems to work sometimes but then she goes crazy. She has this super melt down . We try time out she wont sit (why would she , she doesn't sit for more then 3 minutes) she will kick , bite, whatever she can to get out of time out. I'm thinking about putting the pack n play up or finding a little gated area she can just be in with nothing in it.
Does anyone have any books they could recommend? Any suggestions? I'm really running out of options. I have been pretty good with all the stuff that comes with the sensory but her lashing out and meltdowns i'm not prepared for.
Weekend already
What a week it's been, Pookie brought home her first School germs ;) so we had a week of relaxing but the weather was so nice we had picnics and playing outside! I did keep her home the whole week , except today. They traveled to Australia this week and I didn't want her to miss out on all of the fun. Plus the Dr. gave us the go ahead to come to school. I really just don't want to be that mom that sends her school sick and since I stay at home anyways it was no big deal. She didn't really have anything big but i wanted to make sure.
So the weekends here, superbowl and pookies best friends birthday party which she is So excited. she told the dr. yesterday she had to get better for "E" birthday party!
I hope you all enjoy the weekend, as we will be doing crafts and having a superbowl party!
So the weekends here, superbowl and pookies best friends birthday party which she is So excited. she told the dr. yesterday she had to get better for "E" birthday party!
I hope you all enjoy the weekend, as we will be doing crafts and having a superbowl party!
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Friends Blog
I'm linking my Friends blog up to mine! Show her support and start to follow her, she really wants to get her blog out there.
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